4 Full Size Products
+ FREE Bonus Mockups
For the Price of ONE!
1st! The Positive Intentions & Affirmations Journal
- Interested in learning some cool strategies to help you stay positive throughout your day?
- How about keeping negative thoughts on the back burner?
- Want to feel less overwhelmed and more focused to help you get through the day?
- Or maybe be more “Zen-Like” but aren’t sure how to get started?
- Wondering what all this Law Of Attraction and Intention-setting is all about?
- Wondering if this can really be for you?
- ….and if it’s possible to see positive benefits?

What if I could walk you through the steps of learning the practice of setting positive intentions? Step-by-step guided prompts to not only explain what it meant by all this “positive intention and affirmation” stuff, but to help you measure your progress along the way too, with self-guided checklists?
Manifesting the life you want, setting intentions, and living through positive affirmations all “SOUND GOOD”, but how do you do it? How do you implement it? What does it all mean?
Well, FINALLY, there’s a system…… a well thought out, easy to follow guide in the form of a journal (or workbook of sorts) that starts at the beginning and introduces what all this “Intentions Stuff” means…. and then spells out step by step exercises to help you get well on your way with this self healing and self empowering practice that can really benefit your life!
This product comes with Commercial Rights / PLR! So not only YOU can benefit, but your customers can too!
You're also going to get 3 more products (and a BONUS) in this mini bundle..…
Pink Zen all the way!!
A Quick Peek at the Other 3 Products Included...

Pink Zen 2022 Monthly Calendar Pages with 4 Bonus Planner Pages

Pink Zen 2023 Monthly Calendar Pages with 4 Bonus Planner Pages

12 Habit Tracker Pages
with Unique Zen Inspired Icons on Each Page
Get a Closer Look at the Habit Tracker Icons

All Four Mini Bundle Products Come With Commercial Rights – Fully Customizable Canva Templates…plus You’ll also get the PDF Versions & PNGs.
Fully Customizable Canva Templates
- Save time and be able to get these products posted in your online shop quickly and easily with these done-for-you Canva Product Mockup Images. You’ll get PNGs too!
- Set of 6 Mockups: 2 for the Journal, 2 for the Calendar (duplicate and swap out for 2023 version) and 2 for the Habit Trackers
- Sell these products as a mini bundle to your customers, or break them down into 2 Products, 3 Products, or even four products
- Don’t forget! The Monthly Calendar Pages come with 4 Bonus Planner Pages – color and theme coordinated and done-for-you too!