HERE'S YOUR PRIVATE SPECIAL OFFER ON THE HOLIDAY SNOWMAN GIFT SET!! Editable Canva Templates with Commercial Rights REGULARLY PRICED at $27.00 - NOW ONLY $10.00!!!
This is limited time offer only available to those subscribed to the BittySpireLife email list-- only $10!
This is a savings of 63% from the Regular Retail Price of $27.00 (that’s nearly 2/3 OFF!!)
This special promotional offer is ONLY available for a limited time
NOTE— IF price doesn’t auto-populate to $10.00 for you, USE COUPON CODE: snow
Anyone who wants to be creative in their Holiday Decorating and Gift Giving by giving loved ones with coupons, gift tags, wall art and/or greeting cards………
For the Gift Coupons, you can write the specific coupon gift you or your customer wants to give. WHAT? Oh, the creativity!!
Gifts from the heart are so special!! This is the SEASON to Celebrate with those you love and appreciate in our lives! Our Partners, Spouses, Parents, Children, Friends, Siblings, Family members, Mail Delivery Drivers, Neighbors……
Offer your Spouse a back rub, a dinner and movie date, a “sleep in today” coupon!! Or offer someone in your life a Free Day of Babysitting! Offer your Mom a Gift Coupon for a lunch date- time and date of her choice…. Offer your best friends a Champagne Brunch, a Movie and Bad Snacks night, Yoga Class, Spa Day……
Extend this creative Gift Giving to your Co-Workers! Offer to Pick Up their Lunch for Free on the day of their choice…..offer to make them your homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies they LOVE…on the day of their choice!!
Anyone who likes and appreciates thoughtful gifts will LOVE these!!
Or maybe they are for YOU and your customers that choose to avoid the Shopping Crowds and Over-priced Holiday-themed standards…..
Print, write in your Gift Certificate idea, and VOILA!! PERFECT gift, ready to go!!
Print and send one of the Greeting Cards and brighten someone’s day!
Print and use as Place Holders for your Brunch or Movie Night house party!!
Print the Wall Art on Plain paper or Card Stock. Use as Wall Art, table decor, send in the mail to let Someone know you are thinking of them……….. The.Possibilities.Are.ENDLESS!!
Ways You Can Promote & Sell These Christmas & Holiday PLR Products to Start Making Money TODAY:
Sell on your Shopping Site together as a bundle, or as individual products (cards, gift cert/coupons, stickers)
Offer one or all to your customers as FREEBIES for Opting in to build YOUR email list!
Offer as upsell to another similar product you already have available
Brand and edit this entire package……change the colors or the decoration and sell numerous final versions to your customers!